It's The All Australian Defender!

Here to save the day

  1. coffeemews reblogged this from theallaustraliandefender and added:
    Oh god.
  2. iancisme reblogged this from theallaustraliandefender
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  6. mrsmarymorstan reblogged this from theallaustraliandefender
  7. catherinelee84 reblogged this from fuckyeahstargate and added:
    Loved this episode
  8. wolfrhamhart reblogged this from fuckyeahstargate
  9. orodrethxvx reblogged this from theallaustraliandefender and added:
    the amount of badassery is inconceivable.
  10. unwashed-lederhosen reblogged this from fuckyeahstargate
  11. crabapplejam reblogged this from fuckyeahstargate
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  15. caesarclowningaround reblogged this from fuckyeahstargate
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